My journey to homesteading. Why? Let's get started together.

Why? Why do I want to homestead? I think a lot of people that romanticize the homestead lifestyle (myself included) forget that homesteading is not only a lifestyle, but also a job. Sure, maintaining a homestead may not be as time-consuming as my corporate law job, but it requires planning, dedication, and most importantly, WORK.
“Are you ready to stop thinking, and start doing?”
Something I've struggled with is my weirdly dedicated devotion to planning and studying. I guess that's what I'm used to after 16 years of schooling. However, homesteading isn't all bout planning. I have to get out of my research funk and start doing -- there are things you can only learn from experience.
A Simple Lifestyle
One of the homestead YouTube channels I've really enjoyed is Appalachia's Homestead with Patara. As Patara says, homesteading may be a simple life, but it certainly is not an easy life. That's something I have had to come to terms to.
In order to prepare for this life goal of mine, I need to get off my ass and actually do stuff. That's my motto from here on out. Do stuff. Instead of researching what crops are best to plant, get out in the garden and plant something. Keep a few pots of herbs on your windowsill.
This is the beginning of my journey towards a homesteading lifestyle -- feel free to follow along, or come back in a few years to see how far I've come!